Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Exclusive Interview

I'm ready for my close-up.

My super cool shiba friend (and reporter to the shiba stars)  the legendary Shio from NYC took time out of his busy day to get an exclusive interview with me as part of his ongoing twiba-interview series. It's a special series for the shibas on twitter (aka twibas).  Shio's done other pawsome interviews with shibas Prince Zuko and Kaiju as well.

You can check out my full interview and what I had to say on Shio's blog. Thanks Shio!

And don't worry Prince Zuko, I didn't let on about us. Nobody knows nothing. We won't be followed around by pupperazzi all day *wink wink*

Don't forget, there are always more pictures of me at Tokyo: my shiba inu tumblr.

Follow me on twitter: @tokyoshiba

1 comment:

  1. awesome interview, pretty tokyo. you live in such a nice castle. so much sunlight! my pack is totally jealous.
